Equine Herbal Consultations
Walkenny Park equine herbal consultations provide holistic prescriptions and natural diet plans tailored to each individual horse’s requirements. The consultation fee is a one off $150 fee.

The prescriptions are made up for each horse after obtaining comprehensive information through our online consultation chart form. Plus photos, and if applicable videos, other practitioner/veterinary reports and blood/hair tests. Prescriptions are quoted and then invoiced directly to the client, and sent by Express Post. The consultation fee is a one off fee and includes regular progress reports. The usual period of treatment is around 12 weeks which is a full blood cycle. Two to three bottles are usually required to cover this treatment, and the prescriptions may be revised according to response. Prescription prices are $110 (inc gst) for a 250 ml bottle and $220 (inc gst) for a 500 ml bottle.
Walkenny Park’s philosophy is to treat causes as well as symptoms, and to treat individually, to promote complete healing.
Prescriptions are made up from liquid human medicinal quality herbal extracts and tinctures, which have guaranteed provenance, and also include selected Bach Flower essences. Australian grown organic tinctures are used wherever possible.
The advantage of liquid herbal extracts is that they are quickly absorbed via the liver and do not have to go through the gastro-intestinal tract. This is useful if the horse is suffering from gut ulceration and/or is off it’s feed.
Some Walkenny Park herbal prescriptions and products are formulated from dried herbs which are added to the feed. These are where it is important that the herbs come into direct contact with the gastro-intestinal tract.
Dosage amounts for liquid herbal extract prescriptions are from 5 – 10 ml twice daily and the dosage method is by oral syringing over the tongue after mixing with an equal amount of water. Most horses are easy to dose and often get to like their herbs so much, they just open their mouths for them! For the occasional difficult character the dosage is placed in a bowl and they lick it out, often it is the syringe they don’t like – memories of yukky worm pastes.
A horse or pony does not necessarily have a “named disease” to be in poor health. This is why taking into account the whole horse and treating accordingly works so well.
Herbal medicine began with animals showing man that plants could be used for medicine as well as food. They have self medicated on herbs since the beginning of time. This is why there are virtually no side effects from using herbal medicines, especially those prescribed by a trained herbalist, who is aware of any cautions or contra-indications.
Classical herbal medicine practised by Walkenny Park is a holistic approach to healing disease, treating the whole body to bring it into balance and harmony. Natural feeding optimises immunity and performance, and supports the horse’s health after the course of herbal medicine.
Common Equine Health Problems
Equine Consultation
The consultation fee is a one off $150 fee. Prescription prices are $110 (inc gst) for a 250 ml bottle and $220 (inc gst) for a 500 ml bottle.